Hello from the Algarve
How to Make Things Better
Cant we Change Direction Before the Crash?

Cant we Change Direction Before the Crash?

I dont see how things in Europe are going to carry on as they are.

Let’s have a simple look at how things are turning out.

The US is still trying to dominate Europe economically and militarily, with a major war with Russia in Ukraine, a proxy war in nascent form just next door in Georgia, and putting Finland and Sweden at risk by filling those countries with heavily armed army bases, making those countries a prime target should the US finally go into all-out war with Russia.

The main economies are in a debt trap situation, which means they are increasing borrowing in order to lose more money and increase their debt situation which they are already unable to service. In other words, those countries are heading not only into recession, but into deep financial trouble.

We have just heard that the EU Commission has told Hungary they cannot leave the EU. That means that all 27 EU countries must be in the same position. They are no longer sovereign states. That’s interesting. I wonder if the people in those countries have noticed? Probably not yet.

In short, what this means is that nobody in the EU has a vote that has any meaning. The EU is now a fully-fledged fascist state where each country does what its told by the unelected cabal in Brussels. We already know that the EU parliament is just a fiction with no real power.

For some time now I have run a campaign to defund Brussels. Unfortunately, very few people seem to see the serious problems ahead. But why pay Brussels to make life more impossible? Withdraw their funding and they simply fade away.


The next problem is the overwhelming march of immigrants into a failing bunch of societies. I have mentioned this on many occasions. Western Europe is not a very sustainable place to start with. Just look at the UK with 80% of its agricultural needs having to be imported. I have many times said that the UK can be overpowered by an unfriendly state with ease. A six week siege would starve the place into submission.

Not only that but most of Europe is in a similar situation.

That also goes for the continent’s need for basic commodities. They too have to be imported.

Now add in the march of AI, which is likely to make fifty per cent of the white collar jobs redundant within the next decade or so.

Oh yes, and dont let’s forget the march of good old fashioned inefficiency. 400,000 people in Portugal, myself included, are still waiting (five years alter applying in my case) for their residence papers. Eight to eighteen months delays in the UK to see medical specialists. Benefits being cut, and more.

So what does that all add up to?

Quite frankly it adds up to a coming monumental crash.

The one thing about all this that is so difficult to predict is when it is likely to skid totally out of control.

Let’s start putting some of the above problems together and see what happens.

Let’s start with outside interference.

The twentieth century was a nightmare for Europe, with two brutal wars. I dont think many of us want another war, yet we have had the US bomb parts of Europe on three separate occasions during my lifetime, and they are currently destroying Ukraine. It must be ten years ago that I wrote a couple of blogs about the  start of that war with the US-led regime change in Kiev, when the US administration engineered a coup which removed the democratically elected government from power, and my Ukrainian friends were sending worried reports of what was going on, with Kiev sending daily bombing raids on the Russian speaking eastern provinces, which is where this whole mess started.

Julie and I were in the middle of Mostar when the Americans bombed the place a few years earlier. The big problem here is that Russia was providing for Western Europe most of their agricultural and energy needs. Now we get them from the USA at five times the price. So that side of things is not panning out particularly well.

With immigration at insane levels, and problems with the supply chains, that means the problems are effectively doubled.

With energy levels seriously depleted, the ability of the continent to support itself is seriously curtailed. Germany’s industrial exports have been decimated, so where is the money coming from going forward to feed and clothe the existing populations, let alone the new arrivals?

To make matters worse, with the main countries here running massive deficits, how are they going to support themselves going forward?

Add to all that the lurking nightmare of a massive move to employ software and robots instead of humans, which will leave us with millions of people with no way to support themselves, and governments unable to function.

Add to all that the lurking spectre of a return to a gold standard, how are debt trapped economies going to survive that?


I cant see a way out of this.

Putting all those situations together leaves us watching a massive slow motion train wreck.

The only unknown is, how slow is this going to be? Will it speedup? And when will things become so bad that we start scrabbling for survival?

The important question before us at the moment is, cant we change direction before the crash?

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Hello from the Algarve
How to Make Things Better
We live in a ridiculous world run by lunatics. Things dont have to be this way.
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john clare