Why I Live in the Algarve
There are two reasons I am still living in the Algarve. I have found that I can survive without certain aspects of life that I had previously gotten used to. Getting someone to do some work for you can be very frustrating, and very often there is a startling lack of skills and professionalism. There are also a few fundamental things that one does need which one has to go to Spain for, which can be irritating. One of these days I will move back to Spain, in the meantime I’m am right on the edge of a collapsing continent. I should hate to be in the centre.
I am surrounded by my own land, which can be used to grow my own food. That is increasingly becoming a major plus. I also live at the end of a dirt track so no-one passes my door. I like that.
The weather is fine. Day after day, and this is January, supposedly the coldest month of the year, the temperatures reach 18 degrees C. It’s a bit chilly first and last, but not indoors. Here’s a photo I took at five p.m. yesterday. I could have faced any direction. It’s blue sky all round.
And just for the record here is a screenshot of the forecast for the next few days.
And so far no showers at all today, saturday. Just a few white clouds that look to be hurrying to a party in Spain.
The cost of living has leapt up over the past year but things are still cheap relative to prices in Northern Europe. Here is a copy of a bill for my shopping on monday, plus a foto of the goods themselves.
Yes, I do like my wine, and I cant help buying bottles which are steeply discounted.
A short blog this week, but as a picture is supposed to be the equivalent of ten thousand words I guess it isn’t as short as all that after all.